Joe Huljak • November 5, 2024

Joe Huljak's Mortgage Preapproval Process!

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Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is a big part of the home buying process. With Joe Huljak at Joonago Mortgage Services it’s easy and painless. Here’s what to expect:

Step 1: Initial Call

Once you’ve been referred or reach out, we’ll start with a 5-minute call. I’ll ask some pre-screening questions to get to know you and your needs. This initial call gives me a head start in creating a mortgage plan for you.

Step 2: Application Link Sent

Next, I’ll send you a link to the pre-approval application. I can text or email this link to you. If you’re ready to get started you can even Google my name or Joonago Mortgage Services to find the pre-approval link on our website. Please fill out the application as thoroughly as possible – this will help speed up the process.

Step 3: Review and Complete Application

Once you submit the application I get a notification. Sometimes additional information is required so I’ll reach out to get the missing info. At this point we’ll have a more in-depth conversation about your financial goals and any specific details about your home search.

Step 4: Credit Run and Verification

With the application information in place, I’ll run a credit check to get a picture of your debt and credit score. With this and your income and other application information I have a clear view of your financial situation.

Step 5: Pre-Approval Letter

Once everything looks good, I’ll draft your pre-approval letter – your ticket to start house shopping. I’ll email the letter to you and your real estate agent. If it’s an agent I haven’t worked with before I’ll also introduce myself so we can communicate well. With this letter in hand, you can start looking at homes.

Step 6: Making an Offer

When you find the home and your offer is accepted either you or your agent will send me the accepted offer. At this point I usually have all the income documentation since it was part of the application link I sent you.

Step 7: Submit to Underwriting

Once I receive the accepted offer and income documentation, I’ll put everything into my system and submit it to the lender I’m working with for underwriting. I’ll also order the appraisal and title during this phase. Underwriting typically takes a few days so the lender can review everything.

Step 8: Clear to Close

Once underwriting, appraisal and title are complete and everything looks good we get the “Clear to Close”. At this point we’ll confirm the closing date which is usually set in the offer and the lender will send the closing documents to the title company. They’ll get everything ready for closing.

Step 9: Closing Day

A day or two before closing I’ll reach out to confirm your cash to close amount and discuss payment options. You can choose a cashier’s check or wire transfer. If you choose wire I’ll coordinate with the title company to send wire instructions and guide you through the process if needed.

Step 10: Sign and Done

On closing day, you'll sign the paperwork, get the keys, and you're home free! If you have any questions or want to get started, click the button below!

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