Your credit score is a big part of the home buying process. A higher score means better loan terms, lower interest rates and more options. If your score isn’t where it needs to be don’t worry—there are steps you can take to improve it. Here are some practical tips to get your score moving in the right direction.
Payment history is 35% of your credit score. One late payment can hurt so make paying all bills—credit cards, loans and utilities—on time a priority. Set up automatic payments or calendar reminders to help you stay on track.
Your credit utilization ratio (how much of your available credit you’re using) is another big factor. Aim to keep your balances below 30% of your credit limit—and lower if possible. Paying down high balances will help your score quickly.
Each time you apply for credit a hard inquiry is added to your credit report which can lower your score temporarily. Don’t open new accounts unless absolutely necessary especially when you’re about to apply for a mortgage.
Errors on your credit report will lower your score. Request a free copy of your report from and review it carefully for errors. If you find any dispute them with the credit bureau to have them corrected.
The length of your credit history is part of your score so keeping old accounts open—even if you don’t use them—can help. Closing an account shortens your credit history and may increase your credit utilization ratio.
If your credit challenges are too much to handle on your own, consider working with a trusted mortgage professional or credit counselor. They can help you with personalized strategies to boost your score and get mortgage ready.
Improving your credit score takes time but it’s worth it when you’re ready to buy your dream home. Whether you’re buying in Milwaukee, Arizona or Florida, I can help you through the mortgage process with ease. Let’s get a plan in place for you—contact me today!
Company NMLS: #249858
AZ Mb-0945285
Personal NMLS: #250873
This is for informational purposes only. This is not a commitment to lend or extend credit. Information and/or dates are subject to change without notice. All loans are subject to credit approval and property qualification. Cash reserves may be required. Joonago Mortgage is not acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD/FHA or the Federal Government. Joonago Mortgage – 7137 E Rancho Vista Drive Suite B05, Scottsdale, AZ, 85251 | 920-378-0002 | Wisconsin NMLS 249858 AZ Mb-0945285 | Equal Housing Opportunity. You should always be speaking with a highly qualified mortgage advisor that can educate you on all these factors and how to get the best mortgage. A mortgage advisor should educate and empower you to make good financial decisions.
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